Tim Video & E-books!
No Longer a Victim
by Tim Wessel
Recovering from rejection, betrayal and abuse is not easy, but by the Grace of God Tim has been able to break free and live whole. He shares some transforming steps that have led him to live life no longer as a victim.
Overcoming Depression & Anxiety by Tim Wessel
This book will offer you 7 action steps to overcoming depression & anxiety and get you moving from surviving to thriving with passion and purpose!
Tools for Life !
Thrive Life Wheel
How is your “life” wheel rolling? Smooth ride or a little bit bumpy? Get intentional about what’s next by giving yourself an honest evaluation on how life is rolling.
For the Family!
Work towards balance in how you spend your TIME, TALENT and TREASURE while upholding your family and family values without negecting any part of the whole.
Mission Statement
Design a family mission statement that will determine WHO you are, WHAT you believe and HOW you will live so that the family unites around their passion and purpose in peace.
This is the Year!
"This is the Year" is designed to inspire intentionality, faith, and personal growth as you step into the new year! Start your year with passion & purpose!
Life Map
See your life visually and discover all of the healing, closure and celebrations SO THAT you can move forward healthy and whole.
Meeting Agenda
Cutback stress and conflict by implementing a carefully designed regular communiation time in the everyday rhythm of life at home.
Rally Cry
React and respond to the needs within your family in a way that honors each person and their unique journey wihout letting anyone feel left behind or unappreciated.
Rite of Passage
intentionally transition your children into adulthood without the normal stress and conflict that comes with this season. (Recommended age: 13)
Dangerous Apps - Information Sheet
These are just a few of the many dangerous apps that are available to your kids, especially if you don’t have any restrictions or filters on their phones.
Parents it is your job to prepare and protect your kids - study and know what is out there!